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Mindful Monday - Let There Be Light

“The most important thing? Quality of light at all times.” - Oscar De La Renta

Optics: the scientific study of sight and the behavior of light or the properties of transmission and deflection

Light: The form of energy that makes it possible to see things.

Color: The varied range of light phenomena or visual perception that enables one to differentiate what would otherwise be identical objects. The ability to see and distinguish colors.

Quality of Life: The standard of health, comfort, and happiness experienced by an individual or group.

Quality of light, quality of life. The quality of the light surrounding us has a profound impact on overall well-being that has too often been underestimated by today’s modern world. There are few things that will have as profound an impact on your quality of life, happiness, and health, as light. The range of this effect is all-encompassing from business and work environment to personal to relationships. This light energy surrounds you in various forms and to various degrees every moment of every day. In being essential to life, just as air and water, quality of light is quality of life.

Shedding Light on Light: 6 Fascinating Facts

Natural Light = Nourishment

The botanical ecosystem relies on sunlight for nourishment and survival. Through photosynthesis, vegetation utilizes sunlight to synthesize food. Vitamins, minerals, phytochemicals, and antioxidants in plants keep cells healthy and in balance. As botanical ecosystems rely on the energy and nutrients of sunlight, so too do humans.

Energy Pairing

Studies show that excessive bright light exposure triggers volatile emotions, headaches, fatigue, and anxiety. Beyond visual effects, lighting affects biology, psychology, and overall well-being. The color and hue of the light surrounding an individual will affect the level of comfort, harmony, and contentment, experienced. The individual’s internal energy vibration reflects the light it receives.

Keeping Time

The body’s circadian rhythm responds to light, as a signal to be awake, and dark, as a signal to fall asleep. Physiological processes become out of harmony when incompatible lighting interferes with the rhythm.

Cognitive Function

Proper light exposure increases cognitive function and decreases memory loss.


The proper hue, saturation, and intensity of light increase serotonin levels, boosts mood, and productivity.


Light consists of waves and particles. The size of the wave is the wavelength and wavelength determines color. The three component parts of color (hue, value, and saturation) affect the individual’s vibration and energy. The eye recognizes these waveforms and responds to them.

“Light is not so much something that reveals, as it is itself the revelation.” - James Turrell

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