Strength: The capacity of an object or substance to withstand great force or pressure. The quality or state of being physically strong. Strong: Able to withstand great force or pressure.
Resilience: Ability to recover quickly from difficult conditions.
Strength and strong are synonymous. Strength and strong in analogy are brother and sister. Resilience is the next-door neighbor’s friend, often confused as a third sibling to the brother and sister. Strong is ability. Strength is capacity. Resilience is advancement.
Building Your Resilience:
“Adversity does not build character, it reveals character.” – Novelist James Lane Allen.
Adversity is one of life’s milestones. It does not discriminate. Perspective reveals or not the easily overlooked inherent gifts, part and parcel of the struggle.
Do not fight the futile fight. Amidst life’s adversities, there exists the power to change some things. Energy should be reserved for that which can be changed.
Focusing on good thoughts creates positive vibration, energy and results.
The most important of all. The truly resilient recognizes the positive within the negative and remains truly grateful always. Personified by the Great Piglet in Winnie the Pooh, “Piglet noticed that even though he had a very small heart, it could hold a rather large amount of gratitude.” – From Winne The Pooh, A.A. Milne