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Mindful Monday - Wordfluence

Wordfluence - For Good or For Bad

“The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place.” - George Bernard Shaw

Language: The principal method of human communication, consisting of words used in a structured and conventional way and conveyed by speech, writing, or gesture.

Truth: That which is true or in accordance with fact or reality.

Lie: An assertion that is believed to be false, typically used with the purpose of deceiving or misleading someone.

Intent: “Agenda,” the foundation of intent is purpose resulting in a mental state in which the agent commits themselves to a course of action.

Result: A consequence, effect, or outcome.

Language is a currency. The greatest virtue is truth.

Language can facilitate the exchange of information or knowledge resulting in truth. Equally, language can impede the exchange of information or kn

owledge, spreading untruth.

Precise and factual language drastically reduces conflict between people, resulting in harmony through clarity.

Ambiguous language is its nemesis causing chaos, obscurity, and dissonance.

In communications, identifying confusion and disorder, truth or fiction is revealed. It is best first to vet the author, prior to evaluating the communication.

3 Indicators of Ambiguous Language:

Beware of The Dirty Bag of Tricks

Euphemisms, Dysphemisms, Metaphors

Word Sanitation

The process of misusing language with the intent to trick through euphemisms. The Positive Spin is the most commonly used form of Euphemisms. Not a liar, just creative with the truth. Not used - preowned. The shame of it is, this list is endless.

Word Contamination

Dysphemism is the euphemisms counterpart. Highly charged, harsh, and offensive words replacing the true meaning. The misuse of words.


Metaphors are subjective and often personal thus mandating that transmitter and receiver to have empirically common experiences permitting clarity of

communication. Although charming and seemingly harmless and humorous, is life really like a box of chocolates?

Выбирай писателя так, как выбираешь друга. – Russian Proverb

Choose your author of information as you choose a friend.

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