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Mindful Monday - Your Attention Please

The paradox of attention is that you need attention to mobilize people and change the world.  Thus, paradoxically, the ideas Least Likely to change the world are Most Likely to dominate our attention.” - Jeff Gibbard

Attention: Concentration of awareness, excluding other stimuli.

The Power Of Attention is an individual’s Most Valuable Resource. 

Attention is time, time is life, and the quality of attention equals quality of life. This invaluable and life changing resource is being mined constantly and continuously by the Attention Profiteers.

Attention and Mindset Management are the practices of focus management, distraction control, and remaining present in the moment allowing choices to be made with good intent and result rather than reaction impulse.

Paying Attention:

The Strength of Words

When a person or group gives you their attention, the value and energy of your words grows. When shared with others, the result and impact of your words grows exponentially. Remember, there is great responsibility in asking for and taking one’s attention.

Beware of Disregard

People have been programmed to gravitate toward temptingly simple information. Attention is easily directed (misdirected) by the new, the bright, the loud, the short, the exciting, the funny, the easy resulting in the redirection of attention (energy) from the real, the serious, the difficult, and the important.

Experience Follows Attention

The choice, level and focus, of attention dictates the individual’s own life experience. What lies at the root of all life’s experiences is the direction of one's attention. 

The Path - Gateway

Genuine Attention is the Gateway to Awareness. Attention is the foundation of conscious and subconscious awareness. Do not be concerned with immediate awareness. Not all will be immediately perceived but will always have a measurable effect on behavior and brain activity in the vast and powerful subconscious mind. The Gateway is open by the mere act of Attention.

The Nemesis - Groupthink

Groupthink is the practice of thinking or making decisions as a group in a way that discourages creativity or individual responsibility. This has its origins in Group Attention, commonly referred to as Groupthink. Truth is often hidden and at best illusive. Thus Attention Diversion is the Nemesis of Truth.

The Cost Benefit Analysis

There is always a price on attention, rhetorically what really is the true price of attention, The Lack of Good Attention.

“You become what you give good attention to.” - Epictetus


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